
View, conduct and meditation

These terms are often associated with a spiritual path. I’ve encountered them in the past in relation to Vipassana, the meditation technique that I practice. I had a conversation with a friend yesterday about his returning home from living abroad. His list of priorities and requirements on arriving home to the UK after a five […]


Om ah hum

I first discovered this mantra at a retreat in Dharamshala. I was sitting to lunch at a table and there was an illustration of a smiling Buddha rubbing his belly. The drawing suggested imagining a tiny Buddha gratefully receiving the food at the top of the heart centre while reciting the mantra in your mind. […]


Happy, strong and healthy

I did the ice bath again today. I sat for ten minutes. I feel amazing. The Wim Hof Method is pretty awesome. I’d recommend this for anyone that wants to boost their performance. The breath is simple, restorative and uplifting. The ice is intense, exhilarating and deeply meditative. The combination is hard to beat. It’s […]


Incremental change

There is no Eureka moment. The big breakthrough you’re chasing doesn’t exist. It’s not gonna happen. Real changes takes place incrementally. Bit by bit. Small choice by small choice. It’s easy to look back on significant life events and say ‘this was the thing that changed my life’. But it’s not really like that. Our […]


Gratitude for community

Last night I went to a friend’s party. It’s was a lot of fun. Our seasonal community is full of talented, creative, inspirational people. Artists and actors, poets, and performers, DJs and dope fiends, masseurs and madmen, singers, socerers, teachers and parents. We’re a motley crew united by a common desire to live life on […]


The art of self inquiry

It’s hard to see the hidden parts of self that need our attention. The parts of self that limit our beingness in the world. Our blind spots are just that, blind to our awareness. The practice of self inquiry requires a willingness to look at the uglier parts of self. A willingness to show up […]


Meeting our own needs

At high school our motto was ‘Know Yourself’. Making the effort to understand who we are pays dividends. It also takes time. The path of self knowledge guides us towards strong personal boundaries. Knowing ourselves enough to learn where those boundaries are means we can act with integrity, truth and decisiveness. It means we can […]


The Pareto principle

The Pareto principle states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Apply this principle to an aspect of your life. Maybe you’re training for a marathon. Perhaps you have a project that you’re working on. Even something like improving your flexibility. Twenty percent of your effort will yield eighty percent of […]


Morning Routine Habits and Benefits

An easy to follow three-step morning routine habit A solid morning routine habit can set you up for a smooth and successful day whatever you choose to do. In the months since I returned from cycling a half lap of the planet, I’ve invested a bunch of time in to personal development. I read books, […]


Attention and appreciation

Attention and appreciation are the cornerstones of a relationship. Whether it’s parent – child / partner – partner / sibling – sibling / friend – friend / teacher – student, attention and appreciation are the lifeblood of a healthy relationship. When we give our attention we share in the moment, we are present, we’re available, […]