

Breathwork training for beginners

Daily breathwork training is an essential part of my core mindfulness practice. I use conscious connected breathing every morning to supercharge my day with energy, focus and presence.

Breathwork training is an absolute, no holds barred, game-changer. I began my breathwork journey some years ago and since then I’ve trained in a variety of modalities.

breathwork training with james

Supercharge your day with a simple breathwork practice

My first experience was so deep that I was instantly amazed by the results. Just one hour of conscious connected breathing revealed a whole new way of operating.

It was a seriously cathartic experience. I felt immediately lighter in my being – like years had been lifted off my shoulders.

I facilitate a breathwork technique called conscious connected breathing. It’s a great way to experience the benefits of breathwork training in a group or one-to-one setting.

Breathwork for beginners

It’s perfect for beginners and makes for a fantastic first-time foray into this deeply nourishing work. You can book a session with me by email here.

A key takeaway for readers of this article is the breath of fire. You can practice at home before you start the day. It’s easy to find five minutes for this amazingly cleansing breathwork training any time of the day.

It’ll rejuvenate your body, reset your mind and elevate your soul. Let’s jump in.

conscious connected breathwork training

Breathwork training

Sit in cross legged position, on the edge of your bed or a chair. Your back is straight, chin slightly forward and down to elongate the neck. Roll your shoulders back and relax. You should feel poised and ready. Place your hands on your knees.

Exhale through your nose. Pump your belly as if the belly button were reaching for the spine. The inhale comes naturally as the belly returns to its resting position. This back and forth motion creates the momentum for the technique.

Breath of fire

Pump the belly, breathe out of the nose. That’s the whole thing. Now do three rounds of one minute. Easy.

At the end of each round as an optional extra, add in an inhale retention. As the minute of breath of fire ends, on the final breath in, hold the breath and pull in the naval (mula bandha), drawing the energy up the spine.

Hold the breath only as long as it feels comfortable. Then release and breath normally, through the nose. Take a minute between rounds. Here’s the famous online yoga teacher, Adrienne, with some fun instructions:

Kapalbhati the skull polisher

Breath of fire is sometimes referred to by it’s ancient Sanskrit name, kapalbhati. Loosely translated it means skull polisher or skull luminosity. Kapal meaning skull, bhati meaning polish or luminous.

Benefits of the breath of fire

This amazingly powerful breathwork training has many benefits including reduced stress, improved cognition and increased respiratory health.

Regular breathwork practice will also help to strengthen abdominal muscles and improve digestion.

Whatever you call it, breath of fire is a daily breath practice that will supercharge your life with vibrant energy, clarity of mind and holistic well-being.